Hokkaido Soft Bread (Hokkaido Milk Loaf)

>> Saturday, December 3, 2011

My hubby has been telling me that I need to look for new bread recipe. The bread recipe book provided by my bread maker doesn't let me make really soft bread. So once I recover slightly from flu, I decided to start baking again! And guess what? I found this Hokkaido Milk recipe from Christine's Recipes and Rasa Malaysia .

- 4 1/2 cups bread flour
- 1/2 cup all purpose flour
- 250ml milk
- 190ml whipping cream
- 1 large egg
- 2 Tbsp milk powder
- 4Tbsp fine sugar
- 3 tsp dry yeast
- 1/2 Tbsp salt


1.Grease 2 bread tin.

2.Put milk, whipping cream, egg, flour, milk powder, salt, sugar and yeast into the bread machine. Set to Dough function. After the dough has finished it’s kneading cycle, let it proof inside the machine for 45-50 minutes or till it is double in size. OR use mix the dry ingredients with wet ingredients and knead on medium speed with a stand mixer until dough is smooth and non sticky.

3.Remove from the pan and divide dough into 4 equal portions and shape into a ball.

4.On a lightly floured surface, flatten the ball and roll out in a rectangle shape. Roll it up again tightly like swiss roll.
* For the diagram, please refer to Christine Recipes.

5.Put it in the greased bread tin. Repeat with the second ball. ( Put 2 balls into a bread tin)

6.Set aside and let it proof for about 1 hr or till it rises till it fills up about 75% of the bread tin.

7.Bake at 190 degree Celsius for about 50-55 minutes if you cover the cake tin. If you do not cover the cake tin, 40 minutes of baking time is enough


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