Happy Halloween !

>> Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mr Vampire .. cute style ... no blood ..

Mr Skeleton

Witches' Cats

Mr Pumpkins


Chocolate Bread & White Bread made by Bread Maker

>> Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thanks to my new bread maker, I managed to made one type of bread each day. 

Soya Bean Milk

>> Saturday, October 15, 2011

Although I dislike drinking Soya Bean Milk, I made some today. The yellow beans @ home were expiring soon, so I decided to make some milk out of it. The last time I made Soya Bean Milk was more than 10 years ago when I was staying at Dalpura Court during my Uni life in Melbourne ...

Rock Sugar
Soya Beans
Cloth drainer

1) Soak the yellow beans in the water , making sure the yellow beans are fully emerged in the water.
2) Soak at least 2 hours, topping up the water when necessary.
3) Put the soaked beans and fresh water in the blender and blend.
4) Squeeze the blendered beans with cloth drainer + drain the water into the pot.
5) Boil the pot of soya bean milk.
6) Add rock sugar according to taste.

Taiyaki @ Home

>> Sunday, October 9, 2011

Made some Taiyaki @ home after buying our Taiyaki Mould at Isetan for $20! Feel really excited. But think I put too much honey and cause the Taiyaki to look too brown. Guess I will share a good recipe another day coz this recipe wasn't very successful.

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